EASAC výzva k nominaci experta pro pracovní skupinu AI in healthcare
04. 06. 2024
Mezinárodní organizace EASAC zveřejnila výzvu na pozici experta pro novou pracovní skupinu s názvem „AI in healthcare“.
Příklady požadované expertízy:
Social sciences, ethics, law and regulation
- Medical ethics and ethical considerations of using AI in healthcare
- AI and digital health (in particular, data protection, privacy laws, and consent governance)
- Healthcare regulation, existing and emerging policies regarding medical devices, AI, and datausage in healthcare
- Patient advocacy and public engagement
Healthcare and clinical practice
- Clinical fields where AI is applied, explicitly or implicitly, such as surgery, radiology, internalmedicine, and ophthalmology
- AI/ML applications in diagnosis, treatment, clinical prediction and decision making, patientcare; and e-health
- Public health, epidemiology, prevention, and screening.
AI/ML Technology and data science
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning, especially for healthcare applications¨
- Data science, big data analytics, data management, and quality control
Biomedical Engineering
- Medical devices and technology, including surgical robots and diagnostic tools, integration of AI/ML into these technologies
Health Informatics
- Health information systems, electronic health records (EHRs), and the interoperability of health data platforms
Pro více informací týkajících se výzvy i požadovaných dokumentů k nominaci (CV, doporučení ředitele/ředitelky ústavu) kontaktujte prosím sekretariát Vašeho ústavu. Interní deadline pro nominaci je 17. červen 2024.
Foto: Pixabay
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